Joshua Grenell

Joshua Grenell is best known for his videography and photography of Wallace the pit bull.  Http://  His photos of Wallace have been published internationally.  His videography has over 1 million views on and  He is also the founder of The Minnesota Disc Dog Club,, L27 Productions and CrossFit Progression.
Wazgear was launched in 2003 to honor his dog Wazee.  Wazgear currently focuses on clothing for the active dog and sport dog lover.   There are plans in the works for an expansion of wazgear's product line in the near future. 

In 2005 Joshua Grenell founded the Minnesota Disc Dog Club.  In 2007 Andrew Yori, Joshua Weigel and Joshua Grenell Incorporated the club under non-profit status.  Joshua Grenell served as president of the club from 2005-2010. 

L27 Productions was launched in 2007.  It remains a work in progress.  The current L27 projects include: Discdogger weekly  Http://, and following Roo (Andrew Yori), Wallace and Hector(former Micheal Vick Dog), filming their many adventures.   L27 Productions has also completed 2 videos for the band Ghost Hand Punch.  More are in the works.
In 2010 Joshua Grenell and Matthew Arnold founded CrossFit Progression.  A CrossFit Affiliated Gym in
Rochester MN.  Info: Http://

Joshua Lives in Rochester, MN with his wife Jennifer.  They have 3 dogs, Wazee, Nova and Zipper.    

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